sema presenting

Hello, I'm Sema Karan👋

Full stack developer with strong data science background.

I'm a junior full stack developer with a recent career switch, bringing 7 years of invaluable experience as a data scientist at Booking, Spotify, and IKEA. I recently completed the Le Wagon full-stack web development bootcamp, and looking forward to blending analytical skills with coding know-how to create meaningful digital solutions.

My tech stack: Python | SQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Vue.js | Git | GitHub



Click on the images if you want to have a look at my selected projects which mostly demonstrate my full stack web development skills. You can see more about my technical skills on my Github.

BuddyBoost App

BuddyBoost is a web app which pairs users with a dedicated accountability buddy who shares similar goals and aspirations based on their preferences. It's the bootcamp graduation project which built by team of four from sctrach.
Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Stimulus JS | CSS | HTML | Git & Github | Heroku | Figma

Rbnb App

This is a clone project of AirBnB website where we built the minimal fullstack version of AirBnB website as a group project.
Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Stimulus JS | CSS | HTML | Git & Github | Heroku | Figma

Chrome Extension

I built a chrome extension to identify specific components which are built by Spotify Design System Team (Encore) on a given internal/external Spotify web page. The goal was to quickly identify the usage of Encore components and evaluate the coverage of the components.
JS | CSS | HTML | Google Chrome API

Movie List App

This project demonstrates a fullstack application with Ruby on Rails built from scratch.
Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Active Records | OOP & MVC Concepts | CSS | HTML | Git & Github | Heroku

Landing Page

Here you can find a mini landing page project that I built from scratch at Le Wagon.
Bootstrap | CSS | HTML | Git & Github Pages

MSc Thesis - Computational model for human language learning

This repo contains my master thesis in data science, the topic is The Impact of the Older Sibling on First Language Acquisition of the Later Born Child.
Python | Numpy | Pandas | PyTorch | Git

FreeCodeCamp Mini Projects

Here you can find all of the mini projects that I built by following along FreeCodeCamp full stack developer courses.
JS | CSS | HTML | Git & Github

About Me

Besides my career and technical skills

  • In my tech journey, I've championed diversity, inclusion, and mental health awareness. As a Mental Health Ambassador at Spotify and co-organizer of RLadies Amsterdam, I've worked to bridge gaps and promote well-being in our community. These experiences fuel my commitment to fostering a more supportive tech environment.
  • I like visualization besides coding. You may find my passion-driven viz projects on Tableau Public.
  • I love dancing salsa and lindy hop. Dance stage is one of the rare places I feel fully in a flow.
  • I'm a sourdough lover & natural fermentation enthusiast. I bake all kind of sourdough breads weekly to nurture my body, and my neighbours' and friends' too! You can find me giving beginner sourdough bread workshops at BakingLab, Amsterdam.
  • I love travelling to discover new cultures and food like many people.
  • Art makes us free! I'm a very beginner and ameteur painter who enjoys with colors on an empty canvas to express my emotions via abstract art.
  • Yoga and mindfullness are my passions that I discovered in the last few years to recover a burnout and now became my daily routines. I'm also certified yoga teacher who time to time guide Hatha and Vinyasa yoga classes in Amsterdam.

Contact Me

You can reach or follow me via any of my social media channels as you can find on the bottom-right. Feel free to send an email if you want to contact me personally.